Pristine white
No need to write epic essays – just mind the facts: snow guaranteed, mostly top quality of powder and all levels in the repertoire!
Easy hikes, such as the Fastnachter (2268 m) make you want more- more challenge, big names and summit happiness as on the tour to the Hohe Kreuzspitze (2743 m) or Hochplattspitze (2548 m).
Moreover, you will surely appreciate our special Plus Tour service: designated parking areas, information boards with aerial photographs and avalanche transceiver checkpoints at the beginning of your tour!
Fun without remorse
Touring has become increasingly popular in recent years. No matter how enthusiastic you are, you should always take into account, though, that in addition to good physical condition and appropriate equipment including avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe, your experience with regard to avalanche danger is particularly important. Without experience and careful preparation, it might become dangerous. Beginners should therefore consider ski touring accompanied by a certified and local mountain guide.